What is my withdrawal period?

If the product does not suit you, you have 14 days from receipt of your order to return your item to us.

How to make a return/exchange?

Make your return request by contacting the service at the following address contact@alessiocacciatore.com

Return costs will be your responsibility.

Drop off your package at the nearest post office, a tracking number will be requested by the brand.

Follow your file online to know the progress of your file at any time

How much are the return costs?

Return costs in the event of a refund or exchange request are your responsibility. You can benefit from preferential transport rates by contacting the Alessio Cacciatore service at the following address contact@alessiocacciatore.com

What are the reimbursement conditions?

Returned items must be in their original condition with their labels / instructions / accessories / packaging .

They must be returned within 14 days from their receipt

What is the repayment period?

Your refund will be made automatically after receipt and verification of your package, within a maximum period of 30 days. Its amount will be equivalent to the price of the returned item(s).

I received a defective product, what should I do?

Contact the service on our site on the contact page https://alessiocacciatore.com/ to explain your situation and immediately receive a solution adapted to your needs.

I did not receive the correct item, what should I do?

Contact the service on our site on the contact page https://alessiocacciatore.com/ to explain your situation and immediately receive a solution adapted to your needs.